“Justice Is Blind”

Justice is blind… Hmmmm, maybe that’s the problem and it’s been right under our nose…or above it, as the case may be. What are we upset for? Justice has been claiming her vision impairment for quite some time now. I’ll tell you why we’re upset. We were led to believe that justice was blind, so she WOULDN’T see things like race, gender, religion and sexual orientation. She was just supposed to be able to discern the difference between right and wrong. Don’t fall for The Okie Doke. Justice can smell that money. The almighty dollar dollar bill. Far too often, those who have money get justice and those who don’t, get what they get. Every day men, women and sadly, children of color are wrongfully convicted of crimes they didn’t commit. However, they fit the description and don’t know the system.Don’t fall for The Okie Doke! Justice is blind, don’t you be. After all, she is often depicted with a serpent around her feet and ankles. Justice is blind, maybe that’s the problem. She needs to open her eyes and so do we……….

Author: dawkini1

My blog is written with the express purpose of engaging, edifying, encouraging and empowering. My approach is generally one rooted in love, compassion, humor and sarcasm. "Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another;" Proverbs 27:17 NASB "Brevity is the soul of wit" is amongst many phrases coined by William Shakespeare. My intent is to be concise yet impactful, inspiring either an individual or collective call to action. Giving as a whole is a significant core value in my life. "Give to others, and you will receive. You will be given much. It will be poured into your hands—more than you can hold. You will be given so much that it will spill into your lap. The way you give to others is the way God will give to you." Luke 6:38 ERV I've frequently advised those that I was privileged to coach and/or mentor, that critical thinking was a crucial factor to their success. We need "thinkers", not "stinkers". Which one are you? Join me on this journey of enlightenment as we challenge the status quo perspective. Simply because we've always done it that way, doesn't mean that it's the correct way. Let's stand up and stand out! Our voices belong and will be heard...

4 thoughts on ““Justice Is Blind””

  1. Yeah man soo true. The more money u have the more stuff u get away with in this world. And everyone will turn the cheek to someone’s wrong doing and even make excuses for them cuz of their bank roll. I try to let God set my standards. Unfortunately the flesh wins more than id like. Thank God im forgiven.


  2. As the late, Gale A Fields would say, Justice can only see the color green. So maybe the problem is, she is color blinded.


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